School Information
The name of the college or university you will represent.
The city and state where your institution is located.
The year your college or university was founded.
Total number of students (including graduate) at your school.
Name of your instution's president or highest official.
Name of the person that leads your school's athletic department.
Name of the person that directs your school's recreational, club or intramural sports programs.
Travel Information
How will you be getting to the Championships?
If not driving to the Championships, do you plan to rent a car when you get there?
The details of your arrival to the Championships.
Leave airport/airline information blank if you are not flying.

The details of your departure from the Championships.
Leave airport/airline information blank if you are not flying.

Media Contacts
Name and contact information for your school's newspaper.
Name and contact information for a local/city newspaper for the
town where your school is located.
Other newspaper, radio or television contacts in your area.
Other newspaper, radio or television contacts in your area.