2022 NCTTA Board Election

The time has come for elections for certain NCTTA Board of Directors positions. NCTTA is a “working” board, meaning board members double as volunteer directors and staff at the same time. We put in lots of hours b/c we love it, so one of the prerequisites is passion of course!
For those of you interested in further involvement with NCTTA, here is your opportunity to play a crucial role in the direction of the organization, as well as that of college table tennis in the US and beyond.
These are the positions that are open for election. They are 4-YEAR positions.
Vice President-External
Athlete (Alumni) Representative
Please remember to read the NCTTA bylaws for qualifications to run and the description for each position:
http://nctta.org/doc/NCTTA_Bylaws_2021.pdf (page 11-15)
Candidates must submit a Statement of Intent to elections@nctta.org to be approved to run for the NCTTA Board of Directors, Deadline is May 31st.
On or around June 6th, the statements will be posted, and approved candidates will be announced.
At that time, voting will begin and take place until June 12th. Voting will be done by presidents (or representatives) of each NCTTA member school; each school will have 1 vote for each position.
Training for newly-elected Board members will occur immediately after election is complete and terms will officially begin on July 1.
Please direct any questions to elections@nctta.org.
To those who decide to run, NCTTA wishes you the best of luck.
(Pictured here is the current NCTTA Board of Directors at the recent 2022 NCTTA Championships).