NCTTA National Fundraiser Part "Deux"

Last year NCTTA was given the opportunity to raise $100k and have it matched by a generous anonymous NCTTA Alumni. On our first attempt at fundraising we raised almost half, and now fortunately get a 2nd chance at $100k!
NCTTA will be continuing its efforts at $100k and every donation is matched dollar for dollar! Help NCTTA raise the rest of the $100k ($59k specifically)!
This fundraiser will go into the Fall 2022 competition semester as we gear up for a momentous occasion…NCTTA turns 30 years old!
November 15, 1992 was the 1st ever NCTTA match (at that point known as LNITT). Harvard University vs Boston University, thank you to Nelson Chin, co-founder of our organization, for noting this!
This year as last time, the school team with the highest donation dollars will win free NCTTA Membership for the 2022-2023 season. UC Berkeley won last year!
Click here to help NCTTA!